Alateen in Lancaster/Lebanon
Alateen Meetings are open to those ages 12 through 20 who have been affected by the family disease of alcoholism. The meetings are designed to be a safe place to share experience, strength, and hope. Meetings are run by teenagers just like you.
LEOLA ALATEEN- Currently not meeting at this time.
Zion Lutheran Church – Annex
18 Quarry Road, Leola 17540
Sunday evening at 6:30
FEARLESS & FREE ALATEEN -Currently not meeting at this time.
St. Peter’s United Church of Christ
816 Buchanan Ave
Friday evening at 5:30
enter through door to far right
Links To Check Out!
- An Open Letter To My Teacher (PDF): A letter from the Al-Anon World Service Office about Alateen that you can print and give to your teachers.
- Is Someone’s Drinking Getting To You? (PDF) Alateen Is For You!–20 questions to ask yourself to see if Alateen is helpful for you.
- Information about Alateen in Pennsylvania: Principles and practices that Alateen groups and sponsors agree to follow.
- Alateen Page from the World Service Office: Much more information on Alateen.
- Excerpts from Alateen Talk Newsletter (PDF): Alateen members sharing their experience, strength and hope with other teens.
If you are interested in volunteering with or starting an Alateen group you can find more information about Alateen here, or contact us at the district level.