1-888-4AL-ANON [email protected]

Standing Tall One Day at a Time

Al-Anon Family Group


The Thursday Night Lititz Standing Tall One Day at a Time Al-Anon
Family Group is happy to share the news of our NEW LENDING
LIBRARY. Our library is open every Thursday night just before or after
our meeting and is available to all District 22 members in Lancaster
and Lebanon Counties. We hope to expand our library in the future!

Lending Library Copies Currently Available

  • 2 Opening Our Hearts; Transforming Our Losses
  • 1 Paths to Recovery
  • 2 Dilemma of the Alcoholic Marriage
  • 2 Courage to Change
  • 13 One Day at a Time
  • 1 From Survival to Recovery
  • 1 Living Today in Alateen

Lending Library.pdf